These cookies were inspired by the delicious Momofuku Milk Bar’s Corn cookie! Have you had them? They are ah-mazing! I have been searching Toronto high and low for dehydrated corn but haven’t had any luck finding them. If you know where to get your hands some, please let me know! For this recipe, I used corn meal, almond flour so that they are good for our gluten free friends AND the secret ingredient, brown butter!
You can definitely make these cookies using regular butter but if you want to wow your friends and family, trust me, the brown butter makes a world of difference.
If you haven’t made brown butter before, have no fear. All you have to do is put butter into a sauce pan and let it bubble and brown on a low to medium heat. You just have to be careful to not let it burn since the browning to burning stage can happen quite quickly. Once the butter turns a slight brown, turn off the heat and remove it off the burner. I transfer the brown butter into ramekins and pop them in the fridge until I need them.
The rest of the recipe is just as simple, here we go!
- 1/2 cup of brown butter (room temp)
- 2 tablespoons white sugar
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar
- 1 large egg
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 teaspoons raw honey (the best quality one you can find)
- 3/4 cup fine corn meal
- 2 cups almond flour
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- In a small bowl, cream together brown butter, white sugar, brown sugar, egg, vanilla salt and honey
- Add corn meal, almond flour and baking soda to creamed mixture and combine
- Refrigerate mixture in fridge for 1 hour
- Preheat oven to 350 F
- After 1 hour, roll cookie into balls (approx 1 inch in diameter after being flattened)
- Bake for 5 minutes and turn baking sheet around and cook for another 5 minutes (or until the bottom turn golden brown)
- Let cool and enjoy!
Seriously, these corn cookies are addictive! I can’t stop making them (and eating them! haha) If you are able to find the dehydrated corn, you can simply put them in a food processor to grind them into small fine pieces. And instead of the corn meal, add the grounded up dehydrated corn! Simple and delicious!
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